Sometimes when I’m sitting at my desk, I suddenly feel the ground shaking, but when I look around, everyone else is just sitting there calmly. I always feel really stupid, and I was starting to wonder if there was something wrong with me. Last night, however, my wife did the same thing, and then this morning I came across an article about ‘jishin yoi (link is in Japanese only).’ ‘Yoi’ usually means ‘drunk,’ but ‘kuruma yoi’ is ‘car sickness’ and ‘funa yoi’ is ‘sea sickness,’ so ‘jishin yoi’ can be translated as ‘earthquake sickness.’
The article defines it as “feeling dizzy or shaky even though there there is no earthquake happening.” Apparently, it’s becoming quite common in Japan due to the terrible earthquake and all the aftershocks these days.
I wonder if there’s a word for my other neurosis, obsessively checking the radiation levels in Tokyo every five minutes (The link is in Japanese only, but the first column is the maximum, the second is the minimum, and the third is the average. The normal level is 0.028~0.079 micro sieverts.)
I am so, so sad from reading about Japan’s recent calamities. Hope you and yours are OK.
We keep getting reports of more quakes and further problems in Japan. Our hopes and wishes are with you Japan in this time of need.
Japan Australia
I am in Tokyo and also experiencing the jishin yoi effects. I have never been prone to any form of motion sickness, so this is a new, and not altogether enriching experience.
I hope you’re okay there. must be acute stress, or Meniere’s:0
Ah man, I’ve been getting this too since the earthquake, and I only live in Osaka!
I didn’t even know this sickness existed until my girlfriend told me I was suffering from it. Not very pleasant at all.
Tim, do you still feel the “motion”?
What’s worse is that after a month I’m not reacting to the earthquakes as I should. I’m much less cautious and I feel like they will all be little. I survived the 9.0, so anything else should be fine, right?
Check here for radiation levels in English:
Not quite as up-to-date as your link though.
This is an urgent matter I must relay to you about “Earthquake” hangover and I have evidence to prove it to you with the links, I’m providing to you. Mal de Debarqument syndrome is Earthquake Hangover and it’s all related to Motion Related …Issue’s and probably Stress. Please watch this video and read links I have provided to you.
This is an urgent medical issue for you to understand so you can try to treat The Good People of Japan that are suffering with this life altering Mal de Deqarquement Syndrome of (MdDS) if you need to contact Dr. Richard Lewis or Dr. Adrian Priesol @ Massachusetts Eye & Ear they will be able to provide much more info to you. We need International Attention on Mal de Debarquement Syndrome because it is not as rare as doctors suspect because of the lack of knowledge to this Syndrome.
Please take this seriously because Earthquake Hangover Mimic’s Mal de Debarqment Syndome (MdDS)
Mal De Debarquement Syndrome a rare & life altering disorder! It’s more common then people think it is. This usually goes undiagnosed because the lack of education to Dr.’s. This syndrome mimic’s exactly Earthquake Hangover in Japan.
After everything that happened in Japan, it makes sense for some to experience jishin yoi.
We were spared of that while living in Kyushu for three years. We were there during the Kobe earthquake, but slept right through it, being on another island.
I experienced my very first earth quake right here in Germany on Feb 14 of this year (4..6 on the Richter scale).
Keep safe!
これは、「地震」二日酔いを中継する必要があります緊急の問題であり私リンクを証明する証拠がある私を提供しています。マル ・ デ ・ Debarqument 症候群地震二日酔いと、すべての運動に関連する関連している.問題は、おそらくストレス。くださいこのビデオを見るし、私は提供してリンクを読みます。
これは、緊急の医療問題マル ・ デ ・ Deqarquement 症候群 (博士リチャード ・ ルイスに連絡する必要がありますまたは博士エイドリアン Priesol @ マサチューセッ…ツの目し耳は場合の Mdd) の多くの情報を提供することができるので、良い人、この人生を変えるに苦しんでいる日本の治療しようとすることができますを理解するのです。医師として、まれではないためマル ・ デ ・ Debarquement 症候群国際注意が必要な問題のあるこの症候群の知識の不足のため。
地震の二日酔いを模倣してくださいこの真剣にマル ・ デ ・ Debarqment Syndome (Mdd) の
マル ・ デ ・ Debarquement 症候群は、まれな & 生活の障害を変更すること !一般的ですし、人々 がそれだと思います。これは通常診断未確定行く博士の教育の欠如。この症候群の模倣のまさに地震二日酔い日本。
This is an urgent matter I must relay to you about “Earthquake” hangover and I have evidence to prove it to you with the links, I’m providing to you. Mal de Debarqument syndrome is Earthquake Hangover and it’s all related to Motion Related Issue’s and probably Stress. Please watch this video and read links I have provided to you.
This is an urgent medical issue for you to understand so you can try to treat The Good People of Japan that are suffering with this life altering Mal de Deqarquement Syndrome of (MdDS). We need International Attention on Mal de Debarquement Syndrome because it is not as rare as doctors suspect because of the lack of knowledge to this Syndrome.
Please take this seriously because Earthquake Hangover Mimic’s Mal de Debarqment Syndome (MdDS)
Mal De Debarquement Syndrome a rare & life altering disorder! It’s more common then people think it is. This usually goes undiagnosed because the lack of education to Dr.’s. This syndrome mimic’s exactly Earthquake Hangover in Japan.……/…
I realize this is far out of date but the information is timeless. I only heard today about your ” Earthquake Hangover’s” I will tell can explain most of the symptoms you are experiencing. Its a long list so I will only cover Japan. I am a biological sensitive which causes various pains and sensations in different parts of my body. Japan has a very distinct symptom that always shows up before quakes of 5.0 or greater. People who are sensitive * and their are hundreds of thousands of people who are also what I call sensitives* For Japan you will experience pain from mild to intense in the area of your Left shoulder blade pains.. it can be so intense to be totally debilitating and if the quake is over 6.0 you will likely also experience sharp jabby heart /chest area pains.
*Do not confuse with actual heart conditions *
If you have cats, they will get sick before quakes in Japan as well. Distance is not an issue since Electromagnetic Fields move at the speed of light.
Some quakes cause headaches, some earaches and disorientation is common. Vertigo is often felt by many people and the best thing I have to stop that problem is something we call MECLIZINE in it’s chewable form, very small dose 25mg. IT IS DANGEROUS IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR MAY GET PREGNANT so do not use it if you are in this group. Doctors and scientist have tested me in 4 different states here in the USA and they even coined my symptoms officially as ” The Charlotte King Effect”
you can Google it… I did predict your March 11, 2011 9.0 quake. I tried to warn people in your country, no one seemed interested. I called the Japanese Meteorological Agency… on several occasions they were not interested. The quakes always followed the calls… please if you are interested in this phenomena and want to stay on top of things, seismically email me and get on my FREE email subscription service. All you need to do is email and I will add you to the updates… any questions, observations and or feedback is most welcome.
my phone number is 503-999-5745 is available 24 hours a day, if I do not answer tell me when you will call back, I cant make out of country calls.
Thank you, I hope this helps in some small way to assure you that you are not alone.
Prayers and Kindest Regards, Charlotte King
Salem, OR USA