Japan’s Jodo-shu (Pure Land Sect) operates a breast shrine in Aichi Prefecture. It’s formally known as Ryuuon-ji, but most people refer to it as Mama Kannon or Mamachichi Kannon, and was founded way back in 1492. It’s dedicated to Kannon, the Buddha of Mercy, and according to local legend, it was founded by a hunter. He was so skillful that he could hit 100 bullseyes with 100 shots. One day while hunting deer on Komaki-yami, he came across a herd of deer which all lined up in a row for him to shoot. When he made his shot, the deer began to glow and turned into seven gems, and a statue of the Senju-kannon appeared from the center of them. The hunter threw away his bow, broke all his arrows, and bowed down before the statue. Coming down from the mountain, he told the local villagers the story, and together they built a hut to house the statue.
The temple was just a regular one until a woman claimed that a miracle happened there in 1665. A woman who had been unable to provide any breast milk took her newborn baby there, and after praying to Kannon, suddenly began to be able to breastfeed.
(Photo courtesy of Kuru-raho-n no Heya)
Here are some votive plaques from the temple (Translations are in order from left to right):
1. I want “the beautiful breasts.” Thank you for giving me breasts.
2. C-cup beautiful breasts. You absolutely have to give me bouncy breasts!
3. At the very least, I want C-cup breasts that are almost D-cups. If possible, I also want them to be firm and round.
4. I wish for big breasts. Please don’t make them saggy. I want E-cups.
5. I want big, beautiful breasts. Someday, I want F-cups.
6. I want my small breasts to be at least C-cups.
Photo By KKPCW, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.
Getting there:
From Meitetsu Nagoya Station, take the Inuyama Line bound for Shinunuma to Inuyama Station. Change to the Komaki Line and continue on to Komaki Station. From the station, take the Komaki Junkai Bus. It’s four minutes’ walk from Mama Honmachi Bus Stop. There are detailed directions and a bus map in Japanese here.
Address: Mamahonmachi 152, Komachi-shi